Title: Nothing Collapses
Artist: Oceans
Label: Copper Lung Records
Released: 2009
country: United States
Genre: post-rock
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/broceans
Download: rapidshare
05年的秋天Oceans始于伊力诺依大学,成员包括keith, ryan, nick, mike, luis,分别来自Urbana和Chicago,09正式在Copper Lung Records发行第一张LP<Nothing Collapses>
Tracklist :
1. Lit Up Under Streetlights
2. We Are Ruins
3. Ways With Wolves
4. Boy Detective
5. Sound Of Static
6. City At Peace
7. Terrified Of What We Might Become
8. Traps And Traps
9. Your Plane Leaves Tomorrow